Who We Are
Northwoods JEDI is a group of regional community members interested in supporting a more just, equitable, diverse and inclusive culture in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. We reflect a group effort formed to create the space for conversation and growth. We will offer resources and support to those interested in learning more about equity, inclusive communities, access and how to engage in actively promoting these values.
Northwoods JEDI started as a collaborative discussion between several groups, including ArtStart, WXPR Public Radio, Let’s Minocqua, League of Women Voters, Nicolet College, Trinity Lutheran Church and the Three Lakes Demmer Library with goals to broaden the conversation as soon as a solid foundation could be established. Subsequently, Northwoods JEDI hired a professional educator and consultant, Victoria McWane-Creek, of Organization 4 Full Participation and Matthew Reynolds Consulting to direct our efforts and create a region-specific curriculum focused on best practices based on research and experience in rural areas.
What does JEDI mean?
Justice refers to fairness in the way a situation is handled as well as the result.
Equity considers and seeks to balance different levels of access to resources that stem from systems of oppression and privilege.
Diversity refers to population groups historically underrepresented in socially, politically, or economically powerful institutions and organizations.
Inclusive groups thrive via their diversity and welcome and encourage diverse participation and inclusivity.
To nurture and inform conversations amplifying diversity of the Northwoods.
A curious community with room for everyone's voices to be heard and acknowledged. A Northwoods that is safe, connected, and working towards belonging for all.
Justice: the same economic, social, and political opportunities for all
Equity: We do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances to provide just access to opportunities.
Diversity: provides us the opportunity to learn and be shaped by different backgrounds and experiences. Diversity broadens our perspectives and allows us to grow.
Inclusion: being connected and valued in a community provides a person with dignity, respect, and security
Belonging: the support system of someone being their authentic self within a certain community
Accessibility: the reduction of all barriers so everyone can thrive as their true authentic selves
Reference Points
Commitment: we understand and support the value of the work
Economic Growth: inclusivity leads to a reduction in barriers to economic opportunity and growth
Impact: this work is integral to the overall health and wellness of the community
Resources: access to relevant resources allows for community growth and understanding - an equitable starting point
Responsiveness & Agility: addressing our community's needs
Creativity & Creative Expression: allows us to broaden our perspective and overcome prejudice allowing us to view and solve problems.
Safety: a welcoming environment leads to psychological and physical safety for all.
Curiosity: increasing a broader spectrum of ideas and solutions allows us a deeper connection to ourselves
Intrapersonal/Interpersonal: this work is integral to understanding and changing systems