SPARK! is a cultural program for people with early to mid-stage memory loss and their care partners. Programs are designed to keep participants actively engaged in their communities by providing experiences that stimulate conversations, provide peer support and inspire creativity through creative engagement, workshops and programs. SPARK! programs are FREE for families to attend together in a comfortable environment led by specially trained staff and volunteers.
SPARK! programs typically last 60-90 minutes and group sizes are limited, so please pre-register for the programs you plan to attend. Each program is unique and include topics such as cooking, art-making, drama/dance, music/song, poetry and storytelling. SPARK! programs are designed to be offered on various days and times to encourage attendance at multiple locations in your region.
All SPARK! facilitators have been trained by Alzheimer’s professionals and collaborate with community partners to continually enhance programming.
What does SPARK! stand for? SPARK! is not an acronym, it’s something that happens between care partners when engaged in a stimulating and engaging experience – SPARKing a moment together – living in the moment.
Call ArtStart to register or to volunteer.
715-362-4328. You may also register online.